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All Shor publications (web and otherwise) are copyrighted. Significant resources have been expended in the creation of these web pages, even when some text and/or graphics have come (with permission) from other sources. We have no objection to the printing of our web pages by our customers. However, the downloading of code (or printing) for the purposes of republishing portions of pages, or the pages in entirety, is not acceptable and will be prosecuted to the full extent of both civil and criminal law.

The courts have confirmed that all web publications are automatically copyrighted, simply by the act of publication. We have taken the additional step of placing multiple, random, and unobtrusive "markers" in the HTML code throughout our web pages and applying digimarcs to photos. Anyone copying and publishing copies of our pages on the web will have these difficult to detect markers in their programming code and digimarcs invisibly embedded in their photos, confirming copyright violation. The web pages of suspected copyright violators will be routinely downloaded and examined for markers. Court decisions have confirmed that the presence of even a single marker found on a violator's website is strong evidence that the entire website is suspect.

Notable Examples of Copyright Violation

  • Eisinger Enterprises has wholesale copied Shor catalog pictures and text for their own catalogs and flyers.
  • Roger Greene, VP of Eisinger Enterprises, republished entire pages of Shor catalogs.
  • Romanoff Rubber copied our copyrighted videotapes and sold them as if they were their own products.

Shor International maintains a zero-tolerance policy toward copyright infringement. Criminal & civil responsibility and liability is borne by both the individuals and companies involved in copyright violation. All individuals and companies found to be involved in copyright violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

The I. Shor Co. and I. Shor Canada are registered trademarks of Shor International Corp.
© 2025 Shor International Corporation & The I. Shor Company. All rights reserved.